Fatty McGoo
And now! By Popular Demand! I present to you:
(Drum Roll Please)
The Fatty McGoo of the Week!
And the winner is? None other than Mr. Fatty McGoo himself: Lex Luthor!Lex was the inspiration for the Fatty McGoo awards. It is given to those select few who forgo the Hollywood lifestyle of binge-and-purge/lemon skin/liposuction and decide instead to age like a normal human being.
These Awards are in no way a call to diet!
We love our Fatty McGoos!
And in all fairness, Rosie is a lot better looking with hair - and a fine good actor at that.
Tune in next week for a new McGoo!
Technorati Profile
Saturday, June 07, 2008
fat people,
Fatty McGoo,
gaining weight,
getting fat,
Lex Luthor,
Michael Rosenbaum,
weight loss
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Poor Fatty McGoo! But, hey, he sure does clean up nice! Who knew?
He sure is the best reason for (continuing) watching "Smallville"!
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